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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bernard Dineen: Why we must give teachers our full protection - yorkshirepost

Bernard Dineen: Why we must give teachers our full protection - yorkshirepost
Your account has been frozen . For your available options click the below button. LAST week I watched what for me is one of the most moving TV programmes of the year: the annual Teaching Awards. The parade of dedicated teachers restored your faith in

The Palatine Woman and the Cavalcade of Bad Choices - Chicagoist
Cordes-Michehl meets a 16-year-old boy on Craigslist in July, and proceeds to exchange "sexually explicit" messages with him. Cordes-Michehl and the boy trade nude videos and images of themselves via email. The boy asks Cordes-Michehl to take a video

Dennis Slayton Case - Pocono Record
The Pike County Public Library conducted business as usual Wednesday and the library board will, in the wake of Tuesday's bond referendum defeat, now Two charged in connection with Pocono Summit robbery - 11/5/2009 Kenneth Lloyd, 19, of

American Pastoral -
Published in 1935 in the middle of the Depression, William Empson's Some Versions of Pastoral casts a hard modern light on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century poems about shepherds and shepherdesses with classical names like Corydon and Phyllida

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